Doodle Splodge

“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.”

Vincent van Gogh

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Vincent clearly had a better way with paint than words but it’s a point well made! I started painting in June 2020 as a result of one of the greatest presents I have ever been given – an oil painting kit. Thanks Ben and Harry – it has been life changing! Also thank you Moira, who gave me a lot more kit and a very good book on watercolours. Cath and Kathy too for words of advice and encouragement.

I’m having a lot of fun and this is for a few people who expressed an interest in what I get up to as my painting practise develops.

I have recently started classes and I’m currently working on portraiture, doing a series of self-portraits – I’m the only willing model. Studies on the skull from life (well ex-life) are paying dividends and soon I should have some finished portraits to share.

If you like some of what do then great… I’m organising things by subject matter and medium as I go along and numbering each post. I have chucked a few bits away but this is almost everything I’ve done, warts and all.






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